Lawns are the most grown crop in the U.S. Their primary purpose is to make our homes look good and help our obsession for the perfect lawn.
Is your lawn ready for the summer heat? Do you know how to keep your yard healthy this summer? Keep reading to learn how to have the lawn you dreamed of all summer long, so you can be the envy of your neighbors.
1. Mow Properly
Mowing damage can scorch your lawn, so this is why you need to mow properly. First, you should not mow your lawn any shorter than 3-3.5 inches.
You should also avoid mowing in the afternoon when the sun is the hottest because the combination of the two can burn your lawn.
You may have to mow more frequently to leave your grass longer. But leaving your grass the healthy length gives it a manicured look.
2. Watering
Your grass needs water to live, and during the summer, there may be weeks without rainfall. Your grass will get stressed and can shut down to conserve energy when it does not get enough water. The grass turns brown and is dry to the touch.
There are some ways to water your lawn properly. First, you do not need to water every day. You should water every three to four days and soak the grass with a long watering session. This helps the grass grow deep and healthy roots to make it that beautiful green.
3. Mulch Your Grass
If you let your grass clippings stay on your lawn after cutting, it can save you time and money. You don’t have to bag these clippings or buy yard waste bags. However, doing this also helps keep your lawn healthier because it helps fertilize your lawn.
By mulching your grass clippings, you return some key nutrients back to the soil.
4. Monitor for Insects and Disease
Summertime is also the time to watch for lawn disease and insects as you practice lawn care. If you see some brown spots or splotches that do not go away after you water, you may have a disease or insect problem that requires pest control.
Most insects are active when it is hot and dry. So, if you suspect an insect problem, it’s best to call an exterminator immediately to limit the damage to your lawn.
5. Feed Regularly
Every six to eight weeks after feeding, the microbes in the soil process most of those nutrients for your lawn. This means you need to replenish with another feeding. If your lawn is well-fed, it grows thick and crowds out the weeds.
This thickness also keeps the soil cooler as well. So, you will want to apply some fertilizer every six to eight weeks. Make sure you time it with rain or water it in with lots of water to avoid burnout.
However, if your yard is dormant, you should wait until the rain revives it before adding fertilizer.
The Perfect Summer Lawn Can Be Yours
Follow these tips to get the perfect summer lawn. With proper yard maintenance, your lawn does not have to dry out in the summer. Be sure you mow high, water the right amount, mulch your grass, monitor for insects, and feed regularly.
Want more advice to make your home beautiful and add to its curb appeal this summer? Keep checking out our site for more great tips and advice.
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