Most American homes own a refrigerator, with nearly 30% owning two fridges for the added space. This means you need the best in-fridge filtration system for both you and your family to drink from.
That’s where a GE Smart Water filter comes in. So what is a Smart Water filter? How does it compare to the other water filters out there?
That’s exactly what we’re going to look at today. Read on to find out more about how GE Smart Water Filters can benefit your home here!
Different Types of Water Filters
When you’re living in a home, you either have a choice of drinking tap water, filtered water, or bottled water. Most homes will want the second option since they’re usually cleaner and more environmentally conscious.
When it comes to different types of water filters, a lot of homes have a single point-of-use filter that gives you filtered water from a specific faucet. Others have pour-through systems that give you filtered water from a fridge.
GE Smart Water Filters are usually implemented in fridges, giving you clean water at the press of a button. Let’s dive a little deeper into just what they are and how they filter your water.
What is a GE Smart Water Filter?
A GE Smart Water Filter fits a similar mold as other water filters on the market in that it filters tap water flowing through your household to be safer to drink. They provide consistent access to good-tasting and safe water.
That water can be used to drink, make ice, cook, and pretty much any other practical use for clean water that you can think of. But what makes a GE Smart Water Filter different?
How is Smart Water Filtered?
Most water filters are adequate enough to sift out most of the bacteria, but not all. Some toxins are harder to spot and remove, so you need more sophisticated filters to get that done.
This is how a Smart Water Filter becomes beneficial. They’re designed to specifically filter out a wider range of bacteria than other cheaper filters on the market.
They can remove chlorine cysts, lead, arsenic, and mercury from your water. Smart Water Filters have also been tested and verified to remove any pharmaceutical traces from your water.
Should I Invest in a Smart Water Filter?
If you’re sensitive to certain chemicals or pharmaceuticals, a GE Smart Water filter is probably the right move. Families with sensitive stomachs should invest in cooler Smart Water filters for safety’s sake.
Families with younger children should also look at Smart Water Filters since they’re most susceptible to chemically-related health issues at that age. This ensures that they’re getting clean and reliable water as they grow.
If you’re someone who’s just really particular about your water tastes, getting a Smart Water Filter should be a priority. That way your water will never taste like metal or chemicals no matter what.
Is Smart Water Filtered? Yes!
Getting a Smart Water Filter is a no-brainer if you’re looking for reliable, safe, and delicious drinking water for your family. Use this guide to help you understand the ins and outs of GE Smart Water Filters.
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