We all hear about stress. It seems like almost everyone we know deals with some degree of stress.
If stress goes untreated, it can cause many illnesses. Some of the first signs of stress are being unable to sleep, having trouble eating, and having trouble concentrating. Stress can cause stomach problems, skin breakouts, depression, and mood disorders. The first order of business is learning to see the signs of stress and anxiety so you can stop them before they take a tole. You must keep the upper hand in this situation.
Multiple Actions
There are plenty of actions you can take to create a peaceful home environment. The goal is to do them simultaneously. You may have to learn them individually. But as you learn them, merge them together.
6 Ways To De-Stress Your Home
- Create A Relaxation Zone
This should be an area away from the active part of the home. It can be a small sitting room, a dining room, or a guest room. There are rules for anyone who uses the room:
- Unplug
- No television
- No computers
- No internet
- No cell phones or phones of any kind
- No clutter
- A timer will be set in 15-minute segments at first, increasing it as you get better.
2. Daily Meditation
The younger your children are when you begin teaching them daily meditation the better. Children stress themselves out over things that we think are not important. In a child’s world, minor details are life-changing. Have daily meditation for everyone.
3. Control your emotions, with logic
This is where you learn to talk through your emotion and to reason through the feelings you are having. You may be having valid feelings but they may have nothing to do with the current situation. Sometimes we just fake it until we make it.
4. Diffusing Essential Oils
Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The process of extracting the oils that are naturally in the plants (which is usually done by pressing) captures the scents and flavors. What remains is the essence of the plants or essential oil.
There are many different types of essential oils for anxiety. Each of them with their own properties. Some of them have a minimal effect on the body, and some are very powerful and effect many areas of the body. There are more than 90 essential oils that have a direct effect on the anxiety or stress level of the body.
There are many ways to use your essential oils. Most people have a diffuser. You add water to it, and a few drops of the essential oil. The mist sprays the lovely smell into the air. The oil enters the body through the nose and into the body through the thin nasal skin and into the body. Other ways of using essential oil include:
- In car vent diffuser
- In specially made jewelry pieces
- Inside cloth sashes
- Worn on the skin with a carrier oil
5. Drink! Hydration and Stress
Make it a habit. Everyone who enters your home grabs a water, juice, or sports drink when they walk in the door. This is a great way to get your kids used to drinking. Grabbing a bottle of water when they come in and another when they leave teaches them the importance of water.
There is a direct connection between stress levels in your body and dehydration. Every organ in the human body requires water to function properly. That includes the heart and the brain. When you do not provide the water they need, you will become sluggish. Focus is off. You are tired. If this goes on too long, you may have chest pains, headaches, and you may feel extremely tired. If you have reached this level of dehydration, please seek medical attention.
6. Plants
Plants clean the air of many toxins. You may not see toxins but, if you have carpet, wood furniture, cabinets, doors, cotton clothes, or leather, you have toxins. Plants remove toxins from the air. They also remove carbon monoxide and give off clean oxygen. Consider the Snake Plant. It has long green Leaves with yellow down the center. While most plants clean out carbon Monoxide during the day, the Snake Plant does this at night. It is a good plant to keep in your bedrooms.
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