Working from home is somewhat of a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, you enjoy the luxury of organizing your work environment, the time of the day when you want to work (in some cases) and you can take a power-restoring nap whenever you feel like it.
On the other hand, the aforementioned nap can turn into a full-blown bear hibernation-type of slumber, and what’s worse – your work environment can become so cluttered with a bunch of unnecessary items that approaching your work desk can feel like entering a cave!
So, if you work from home, you’re practically a bear. The cave, the dodgy sleep patterns- it’s all there. You’ll turn into a bear, pretty much, that’s the conclusion.
Alright, folks, we hope you liked this article and we recommend you kill a plump elk or two and consume their carcasses are the winter comes. Also, don’t forget those berries and honey for vitamins and what not!
Just kidding, of course, most of the stay-at-home workers aren’t actually bears.
If you’re one of the humans working day in and day out trying to pay your bills and buy a Mars bar every now and again maybe, you’ve come to the right place!
In this article, we’ll propose to you 4 different ways to make your home-bound workplace into a cozy and inspiring one.
Without further ado, here’s the deal!
Writing Desk
Unless you plan to work standing up like Ernest Hemingway did in its heyday, a neatly-organized work desk is a must if you mean to tackle your tasks briskly and efficiently!
The first step towards achieving this illustrious goal would be to ‘declutter’ your desk and remove the empty bottles, crisps bags, empty coffee mugs and anything else unrelated to your work. Once you’ve done that, add a suitable table lamp, perhaps some decorative shrubbery and there you have it! – You’ll be ready for another productive day of labor from your home! (At this point you can bring back the coffee mug. We know you need that coffee. We all do.)
While carefully positioning the table lamp on your writing desk certainly does a part of the job, it’d be fair to say that the matter of lighting in your work area surpasses the boundaries of your desk.
Proper lighting in an area can massively improve your mood and alertness, so make sure to work in a room with plenty of natural light and clean windows!
Assigning a Purpose to an Area
One of the easiest ways to start re-watching a show you’ve already seen some twelve times is to start working using a computer as your ‘weapon o’ choice’. We’ve all been there.
You open up your project in hope of getting some progress with it, but instead, you start watching that Painting with Bob Ross 1988 Christmas special where he draws that mountain and the trees and boom!- That’s an hour you’ve just chipped off your workday. An hour well-spent we’d say, but still – no work done.
To combat this, make sure to reserve your work desk and computer for one purpose only- work! No Bob Ross specials for you, mister or miss! (‘Oh, but didn’t he use to draw mountains and trees like literally ALL the time? Can’t believe he had a ‘special’, lol ….’ Oi! Stop right there. He drew mountains, trees, and creeks sometimes for your information! And then there were like different kinds of trees, maybe like a birch or a white oak… What do you know about art anyway! Bob Ross was an underappreciated genius and should be remembered as one. Period.)
Manage the Storage
Once you’ve made your work area free of clutter, one of the problems that may present itself before you would be- where on Earth do you put all those extra items?
Well, the answer to that would be- wherever you want, but make it tidy. Whether it’s compartments, customized shelves, or, indeed, some in-trend furniture items with spacey drawers, as long as it’s got housing space for your random objects, you can rearrange your work area before you can say, Jack Robinson!
Right then, that would be it, folks! Working from home doesn’t have to mean you should just go about your house in your pajamas and occasionally sit down to work. Make your work environment look professional and you’ll be able to work in there more readily!
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